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Next Bat Watch Picnic – March 2025 TBC

The Bat Watch Picnic is an event held at Turrella Reserve, typically in March during Australasian Bat Month.

This is a great family event, and an opportunity to see one of the great ‘urban David Attenborough moments’, as thousands of Grey-headed Flying-foxes stream out from their roosting camp beside Wolli Creek. It is an opportunity to enjoy an early evening picnic with family and friends, and to view and learn more about these fascinating endangered native mammals.

If you would like to volunteer to help with activities associated with the picnic, we’d love to hear from you.  Email us at

See details of all our upcoming events below.

Bat picnic kite flying


Next dinner – Thursday 17 October 2024 from 6.30pm – see upcoming events for further details

Our annual dinner is usually held in October. It’s an opportunity for members to come together, enjoy a meal and listen to an interesting guest speaker. It’s also an important fundraising event for WCPS and includes a multi-prize raffle and silent auction.

See details of all our upcoming events below.

Annual Dinner Annual Dinner

Upcoming Events

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