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join the committee


Wolli Creek Preservation Society is managed by a volunteer committee. The committee is responsible for the running of the Society, including the management and reporting of funds, oversight of activities and events, setting of policy and other governance matters.

WCPS is incorporated under the Associations Incorporations Act and is a charity registered with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC).


Up to twelve committee members are elected at the Annual General Meeting of the WCPS which is held in August. The committee comprises the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and up to eight members. All WCPS members are encouraged to be involved in the running and operations of the Society and are invited to attend meetings.

The current committee members are listed on the ACNC website and can be viewed on their website 


Committee meetings are currently held by Zoom on the fourth Wednesday of every second month from 7pm. Members are welcome to attend but need to advise in advance to receive a zoom link. The committee holds office from AGM to AGM (usually held in August).

If you are interested in joining the committee, please contact us. We would welcome such approaches from members, and current committee members would be happy to talk with you about what is involved.

Please email us at and we can arrange a time to chat.

To get an idea of the scope of things that the committee is involved in check out the last President’s Report (pdf).



Annual Dinner