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our achievements

Since the initial major campaign from the 1980s to save the valley from the proposed M5E surface motorway route, the Wolli Creek Preservation Society has mounted numerous other campaigns to protect it.

Many other issues have arisen over the decades, requiring WCPS to petition, lobby and engage with authorities in order to protect the valley from inappropriate planning decisions, policies and developments. Our long term bushcare, community education and citizen science activities have also played a major practical role in the preservation, protection and enhancement of the Wolli Creek Valley.

No WestConnex


The Society aims to preserve the natural and cultural heritage of the Wolli Creek valley.

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1987 Under freeway cartoon


A history of our aims, principles and actions from the initial fight to stop the M5 motorway till now.

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timeline poster


See the milestones in the history of the fight to save and protect the valley.

In development

resources for children

Resources to help children learn about nature and appreciate the valley               and its bushland.