The Wolli Creek Preservation Society grew out of a movement that advocated for the M5 Motorway not to go through the valley and it continues to actively advocate to protect the Wolli Creek Valley. The aim of the Wolli Creek Preservation Society (WCPS) is to ensure the preservation of the natural and cultural heritage of the Wolli Creek Valley, its tributaries, associated corridors and their ecological communities, and the ecologically sensitive restoration, expansion and maintenance of these areas.

WCPS is constantly advocating to ensure we meet this aim. We do this through a number of activities as identified in our Statement of Purpose including:
- advocate for policy, development and resource allocation decisions that are complementary to the aim of the Wolli Creek Preservation Society
- liaise with all levels of government and relevant agencies regarding matters relating to the Wolli Creek catchment
- enhance and expand natural ecosystems and passive open space along the Wolli Creek corridor and its tributaries
- undertake any other activities which further the aim of the Wolli Creek Preservation Society.
Since the formation of WCPS in 1983 there have been many campaigns, letters written, meetings attended with politicians and state government departments and other decision makers such as Sydney Water, NPWS and local councils. There have also been many community action activities such as protests and petitions. For further information about some of these past campaigns and activities see History of our Achievements. For information on our current campaigns and activities see Campaigns & Issues.
To achieve our purpose we must keep a constant watch on things like development applications, construction of new buildings and facilities. We also monitor NSW state government and local council planning activities in and around the Wolli Creek Valley. We are involved in community consultations with these groups and contribute to these plans. However, we are sometimes not asked to be involved so we need to monitor this closely to ensure the needs of the Wolli Creek Valley are taken into account when plans are being made.
This is all achieved by our members who volunteer their time to be involved.
The WCPS committee is dealing with many issues related to the future of Wolli Creek with local and state authorities. We need help on some of these and offers are always welcome.
WCPS members and others in the community are essential to help monitor the issues critical to our concerns. If you would like to be a part of this process or want to find out more, please contact us at and we’ll be in touch.