5 August, 8am: Join the visit by Commonwealth Minister for the Environment to Wolli Valley

*** Event postponed to 5 Aug, 8am ***  We’ve been advised that Tony Burke has been asked by the PM to go to Tasmania, so the event is postponed until Friday 5 August at 8am. ***


Environment Minister, and member for Watson, Tony Burke will be presenting a cheque for $20,000 to the Wolli Creek Preservation Society (WCPS).

The WCPS is very excited to have the Minister back in the Valley after his earlier kayak trip up Wolli Creek in March this year, in the company of Society members.

The $20,000 funding is a Community Action Grant under the Commonwealth’s Caring for Country program. The presentation will take place at a bushland area at Illoura Reserve, Earlwood; the funds will be used to continue bush restoration work there.

While there, the Minister will also inspect the adjacent, newly constructed bio-retention basin at the end of Johnston St. Earlwood. This basin, designed to remove nutrients from stormwater has been built under the Cooks River Urban Water Initiative, also funded by the Commonwealth Government. The project was managed by the Sydney Metropolitan Catchment Management Authority (CMA), and the City of Canterbury. CMA officers will be on hand to explain how the basin works.

The WCPS also plans to show the Minister significant bushland below Johnston St, which is still owned by the RTA. The Society has been pressing for its inclusion within the Wolli Regional Park.

The Minister’s visit is set for 8 am and he will be met at the end of Johnston St, Earlwood.

Please join us to welcome the Minister and enjoy an early morning in the valley.