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WCPS Update Newsletter

The WCPS Update is a newsletter prepared by volunteers and issued three times a year.

WCPS Stall

UPDATES: 2000s

59: New Twist in Henderson Street development saga (September 2009)

58: More funding for bush restoration (June 2009)

57: Federal funds for Wolli Creek! (February 2009)

56: Growing opposition to Turrella development (September 2008)

55: Two Valley Trail opened (June 2008)

54: Help us get to know you (February 2008)

53: Walks, talks and meetings (September 2007)

52A: World Environment Day lift-out ‘on-ground advances’ (June 2007)

52: World Environment Day (June 2007)

51: Two Valley Trail project takes shape. (February 2007)

50: Collecting people’s stories (September 2006)

49: Regional Park progress (June 2006)

48: Big grants boost bush restoration (February 2006)

47: Planting for Wolli’s future (September 2005)

46: Wolli’s missing link closer to reality. (June 2005)

45: Who owns the Henderson St weir? (February 2005)

44: More bush restoration volunteers needed (1st colour edition) (September 2004)

43: Plan of Management finally approved (June 2004)

42: 2004 packed with Wolli work and play (February 2004)

41: Society lobbies your MPs on key Wolli issues (September 2003)

40: Pathfinders propose alternative cycleway route (March 2003)

39: Bush restoration work begins (February 2003)

38: Can you help promote the Society? (September 2002)

37: RTA pushes on with creekbank cycleway plan (July 2002)

36: Proposed cable bridge would mar WCRP (March 2002)

35: A good plan can be improved (March 2001)

34: The house in the vale (September 2000)

33: Plan threatens our most historic house (July 2000)

32: Valley facing new threats (March 2000)