WCPS Update Newsletter
The WCPS Update is a newsletter prepared by volunteers and issued three times a year.
104. Spring Walks and Eco-Paddles (Sept 2024)
103: Govt Support for Green Space July 2024
102: Return of the Bat Picnic (Feb 2024)
101: New WCPS website launched (September 2023)
100: 100th Issue of the Update (June 2023)
99: Events Coming Up (February 2023)
98: Picnic for Nature (October 2022)
97: Wolli Bluff reprieved from OCU…for now (July 2022)
96: Judy Finlason wins Jack Mundey Environment and Heritage Award (February 2022)
95: Odour Control Unit – Lockdown Project Favours Option W (September 2021)
94: WCPS present OCU Petition (June 2021)
93: Don’t Let Sydney Water Trash Wolli Bluff (February 2021)
92: Been Up the Western End Recently? (September 2020)
91: Discovering the Neighbourhood (July 2020)
90: Summer of Drought and Fire (February 2020)

UPDATES: 2010s
89: New National Parks Interpretive sign at Turrella Reserve (September 2019)
88: Spring into Wolli (June 2019)
87: The Rewards of Getting Involved (February 2019)
86: Annual Dinner 19 October (September 2018)
85: National Parks News and Events (July 2018)
84: Recent and Planned Events for 2018 (March 2018)
83: Dinner with Spiderwoman (September 2017)
82: Celebrating Nannygoat Hill (June 2017)
81: We have something to celebrate (February 2017)
80: They paved paradise (September 2016)
79: Free guided bushwalk (June 2016)
78: Social Batwatch Picnic (February 2016)
77: Weed and Wine (September 2015)
76: Speaking Out (June 2015)
75: Rising Tide of resistance to WestConnex (February 2015)
74: Tree-mendous Wolli Day a Triumph (September 2014)
73: Tree-mendous Wolli (June 2014)
72: Wolli Creek Clean-up at Bexley Road (February 2014)
71: Inspired by Wolli (September 2013)
70: Celebrate National Tree Day (June 2013)
69: M5East gets green light (February 2013)
68: Tree huggers show the love (September 2012)
67: M5 Tunnel Duplication (June 2012)
66: Guerilla bushcare (February 2012)
65: Wonderful Wolli Family Picnic. (September 2011)
64: What a Treasure (June 2011)
63: The Big Roll-out (February 2011)
62: It’s way past time… (September 2010)
61: Time for action on Wolli Creek Regional Park! (June 2010)
60: The fight against the M5 is on again (February 2010)
UPDATES: 2000s
59: New Twist in Henderson Street development saga (September 2009)
58: More funding for bush restoration (June 2009)
57: Federal funds for Wolli Creek! (February 2009)
56: Growing opposition to Turrella development (September 2008)
55: Two Valley Trail opened (June 2008)
54: Help us get to know you (February 2008)
53: Walks, talks and meetings (September 2007)
52A: World Environment Day lift-out ‘on-ground advances’ (June 2007)
52: World Environment Day (June 2007)
51: Two Valley Trail project takes shape. (February 2007)
50: Collecting people’s stories (September 2006)
49: Regional Park progress (June 2006)
48: Big grants boost bush restoration (February 2006)
47: Planting for Wolli’s future (September 2005)
46: Wolli’s missing link closer to reality. (June 2005)
45: Who owns the Henderson St weir? (February 2005)
44: More bush restoration volunteers needed (1st colour edition) (September 2004)
43: Plan of Management finally approved (June 2004)
42: 2004 packed with Wolli work and play (February 2004)
41: Society lobbies your MPs on key Wolli issues (September 2003)
40: Pathfinders propose alternative cycleway route (March 2003)
39: Bush restoration work begins (February 2003)
38: Can you help promote the Society? (September 2002)
37: RTA pushes on with creekbank cycleway plan (July 2002)
36: Proposed cable bridge would mar WCRP (March 2002)
35: A good plan can be improved (March 2001)
34: The house in the vale (September 2000)
33: Plan threatens our most historic house (July 2000)
32: Valley facing new threats (March 2000)
UPDATES: 1990s
31: Cycleway through Wolli Valley (November 1999)
30: WCRP is about to happen (July 1999)
29: WCPS supporting legal action against M5E (February 1998)
28: Prominent historian to address Annual Dinner (September 1997)
27: Wolli Walks in Heritage Week (April 1997)
26: Say no to M5East (February 1997)
25: History of the Wolli Valley launched (September 1996)
24: M5East EIS delayed yet again (February 1996)
23: Long convoluted saga of M5 E continues (July 1995)
21: Two Vital Tasks (July 1994)
20: Good news from Minister for Transport (February 1994)
19: Boycott the RTA’s ‘forums’ (May 1993)
18: RTA chief’s comic bid to ‘fix’ the figures (February 1993)
17: Rockdale Council supports rail solution (August 1992)
16: Huge support for rail solution (June 1992)
15A: An invitation to cheat (tabloid) (April 1992)
15: Clean up Australia Day (February 1992)
14: Community Groups Rally (October 1991)
13: More pollution … No solution (August 1991)
12: The Struggle (April 1991)
11: The document that doesn’t exist (tabloid) (December 1990)
10: Wal changes the rules (October 1990)
9: Let’s keep the RTA on the run (June 1990)
8: Implement Kirby recommendations now (February 1990)
7: The valley fights back (tabloid) (July 1989)
6: If it goes in, it goes under (February 1989)
5: Support the DMR’s tunnel option (October 1988)
4: Wolli Bushland Saved (September 1988)
3: Decision 88 (February 1988)
2: Unsworth Confirms F5 Madness (August 1987)
1: Round One to the Locals (March 1987)